1st District Leaders Notes
- 1st District Commander Candace Rothering
- Bowling Fundraiser March 23rd was a big success, Thanks to all who participated. A big thanks to Vice Commander Visintainer for handling registration!
- Spring Conference May 4th Menomonee Falls. Registration will be SOON, keep an eye out for details
- 106th Department Convention. July 16-20, 2025. Green Bay, WI. Hyatt Regency
- Support for Nathan Bonds Run for Department Commander!
- Bring someone for their first time and you will be in a drawing to have your room paid for!
- May 25th Golf Outing news if coming forthwith.
- Membership – Keep Pushing! Still only at 97%. Call if you need resources!
- WALC courses are still available throughout March. Become A better Legionnaire
- Find ways to connect with Reserves and Active Duty
- CPR Reports due by April 1st to the 1st District Adjutant.
- Oratorical Contest. Check out details on wilegion.org
- Keep an ear to the ground about a Pot Luck Dinner at Bong Recreational Park
- Raffle Tickets must be returned to the Department Soon. Check the email for specifics!
- POW/MIA Silent March September 20thin Caledonia. We’re looking for a former POW Speaker.
- Crystal Shaw 1st District President
- 1st District Family Camping Weekend – Lots of Camping type activities.
- It is for the Legion Family Get your wishes to Crystal as soon as you can, it is hard reserving spots.Saturday potluck and family day You need a sticker to get into the park. Vets can get them at their CVSO!
- There is a national push to get ALA, SAL much more involved with the Legionnaires.
- BE The One to Stop Veteran Suicide
- There is a phone Application check, your app store.
- Crystal has Tee’s and Sweatshirts made with “BE THE ON slogans”. Contact her.
- 1st District Family Camping Weekend – Lots of Camping type activities.
- Randy Timms, SAL 1st District Commander
- Badger Youth Camp
- 10,000 children of military parents in Wisconsin
- WI Army National Guard started The Wisconsin National Guard’s Badger Youth Camp
- A summer camp for dependent children of deployed/deploying service members. The camp’s activities focus on building communication, teamwork, and cohesion among military children.
- Currently 4 Nights and 3 Days at Camp Lakotah in Wautoma, WI
- Some pictures form past years here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wiguardpics/albums/72157709969513161/
- Cost is ~$250/child
- So far we have collected enough for 9 kids.
- The SAL has developed a program that teaches various aspects of patriotism and because of this we have been asked to become a permanent part of Badger Youth Camp.
- SAL Program includes
- Flag Folding
- The Pledge of Allegiance
- Flag History
- Proper Flag Retirement
- The origins and meaning of TAPS
- Q&A Session with Veterans
- SAL Program includes
- September 6th Fundraising there will be an Event held at Delafield Post 196. Donations will be used to bring more children into the 2026 Camp. Donations made before mid-April will be used to bring children into eh 2025 Camp.
- We hope to bring a Blackhawk onto the grounds for show & tell.
- There will be a scavenger hunt for information
- A motorcycle slow race, a motorcycle balloon toss and a Corn-Hole Tournament.
- We would love to have each post in Wisconsin, make a donation to cover the $250.,00 cost for one child.
- Obtain more information by contacting: saldistrict1@gmail.com
- Badger Youth Camp
Previous Posts
1st District Newsletter January 2025
Hello First District! The first part of this year has been full of meetings and training. I have attended most County Meetings, have visited a few Posts on their meeting days. I’ve also attended some of your special events. I see most Posts are keeping up with memberships and working
Updated Constitution/By-Laws
The updated 1st District Constitution / By-Laws to reflect the amendment voted on at the Fall Conference. Judge Advocate and Past Department Commander Ted DeMicchi presented the changes in accordance with procedures at the 1st District Fall Conference in Ordfordville. The document can be found in the [Documents Repository/Constitution and
Commander Bonds Current Topics
If 1st District Commander Bond wasn’t able to attend your Post or County’s last meeting, here are his current topics…
The American Legion’s Oratorical Contest
Oratorical Contest CANCELLED This year’s contest has been cancelled due to a lack of participation. Please make promoting this excellent program a priority for 2024. Are you a student that is, or wants to be, a good public speaker? Are you interested in Civics, arguably one of the most important
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Doc's website is a treasure trove of useful information for veterans all over. It has been nationally recognized! Honestly, you will not believe how much useful information is packed into one website. He also keeps track of all Veteran related events in SE Wisconsin.
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