The 1st District Fall Conference this past weekend was hosted by Waterford Post 20. Commander Nathan Bond talked again about the 72,400 veterans in the 1st District that are not members of The American Legion, and our goal as a district is to get just 5233 of those people toContinue Reading

72,400! Do you know what that number is and what it represents? First District Commander, Nathan Bond, wants you to know! This is the approximate number of veterans in First District.  “THE MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS DON’T MATTER! It is the veterans and their families that those numbers represent that matter,” said Cmdr Bond.Continue Reading

If a Post Officer is able to mark a Member deceased in, it is not necessary to notify HQ via paper or email of the status.  A bi-monthly report of the recently updated status will automatically notify HQ that the Member is deceased and will appear in a reportContinue Reading

The Headquarters Building will be CLOSED  from 9/26/2022-10/7/2022 for renovation.  HQ and ALA Staff will be available by phone, voice mail and/or email.  However, if you need anything, please let us know as soon as possible as our capabilities will be limited due to lack of access to files andContinue Reading

This isn’t about numbers of members, but it is about what the numbers represent.  This is about serving our fellow Veterans and their families.  This is about maintaining the Legacy that has been passed on to us.  This is about service to our communities, the State, and Nation. The Good News:Continue Reading

This year’s First District Silent March was in a beautiful place on a perfect day. We were joined by Local Police and the Elkhorn VFW. The following Posts participated in the march: 21, 24 45 135, 172, 183, 188, 327, Also participating were the Department ALA units 35 24 andContinue Reading

On Saturday, 13 August at Lake Geneva Post 24 the Legion Wisconsin 1st District had their officer installation ceremony and annual Christmas party. Check out photo’s of the event from the “Media” Menu. Commander Len Jegerski’s Post 24 put on a very nice event. The company and the food wereContinue Reading

Installation Ceremony Speech, August 13, 2022, Lake Geneva Post 24 Greetings Fellow Legionnaires, No group has invested more in The United States of America than her military veterans and their families.  We are the ones who have risked life and limb. We are the ones who have given blood, sweat, andContinue Reading