The updated 1st District Constitution / By-Laws to reflect the amendment voted on at the Fall Conference. Judge Advocate and Past Department Commander Ted DeMicchi presented the changes in accordance with procedures at the 1st District Fall Conference in Ordfordville. The document can be found in the [Documents Repository/Constitution andContinue Reading

Oratorical Contest CANCELLED This year’s contest has been cancelled due to a lack of participation. Please make promoting this excellent program a priority for 2024. Are you a student that is, or wants to be, a good public speaker? Are you interested in Civics, arguably one of the most importantContinue Reading

The Oconomowoc and Okauchee Posts are having a meat raffle fundraiser. On Saturday October 14 noon to 4. The location is Post 399 in beautiful downtown Okauchee. There will be food and beverages available.  We have 17 great cuts of meat from Michael’s meat market in Waukesha. I’m sure youContinue Reading

The 1st District of the Wisconsin American Legion is comprised of 45 posts from five counties in southeastern Wisconsin. Every year since 1983, the 1st District Legionnaires, along with all other veterans and civilians, have rendered respect for those who may still be serving this country as a POW orContinue Reading

The 1st District Spring Conference was held on Sunday, May 7, 2023. Here are some highlights: Department Vice Commander Karl E. Stuvengen, 2023-2024 Candidate for Department Commander, gave a briefing on some of the Departments current programs. A good place to keep up yourself is this link on the DepartmentsContinue Reading